# 汉明距离
用 d (x,y) 来表示 x 和 y 两个字符串的汉明距离。汉明距离可以用来计算两个文本之间的相似度,根据不同字符的个数来判断两个文本是否相似。
# 例题
- [De1CTF2019]xorz
from itertools import * | |
from data import flag,plain | |
key=flag.strip("de1ctf{").strip("}") | |
assert(len(key)<38) | |
salt="WeAreDe1taTeam" | |
ki=cycle(key) | |
si=cycle(salt) | |
cipher = ''.join([hex(ord(p) ^ ord(next(ki)) ^ ord(next(si)))[2:].zfill(2) for p in plain]) | |
print cipher | |
# output: | |
# 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 |
salt 和 key 是循环的
salt 已知 先把他去掉
就剩下 key 和 plain 异或了 这两个都不知道但是 key 是循环的,可以用汉明距离爆破
import string | |
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify | |
from itertools import * | |
def bxor(a, b): # xor two byte strings of different lengths | |
if len(a) > len(b): | |
return bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(a[:len(b)], b)]) | |
else: | |
return bytes([x ^ y for x, y in zip(a, b[:len(a)])]) | |
def hamming_distance(b1, b2): | |
differing_bits = 0 | |
for byte in bxor(b1, b2): | |
differing_bits += bin(byte).count("1") | |
return differing_bits | |
def break_single_key_xor(text): | |
key = 0 | |
possible_space = 0 | |
max_possible = 0 | |
letters = string.ascii_letters.encode('ascii') | |
for a in range(0, len(text)): | |
maxpossible = 0 | |
for b in range(0, len(text)): | |
if(a == b): | |
continue | |
c = text[a] ^ text[b] | |
if c not in letters and c != 0: | |
continue | |
maxpossible += 1 | |
if maxpossible > max_possible: | |
max_possible = maxpossible | |
possible_space = a | |
key = text[possible_space] ^ 0x20 | |
return chr(key) | |
salt = "WeAreDe1taTeam" | |
si = cycle(salt) | |
b = unhexlify(b'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') | |
plain = ''.join([hex(ord(c) ^ ord(next(si)))[2:].zfill(2) for c in b.decode()]) | |
b = unhexlify(plain) | |
print(plain) | |
normalized_distances = [] | |
for KEYSIZE in range(2, 40): | |
# 我们取其中前 6 段计算平局汉明距离 | |
b1 = b[: KEYSIZE] | |
b2 = b[KEYSIZE: KEYSIZE * 2] | |
b3 = b[KEYSIZE * 2: KEYSIZE * 3] | |
b4 = b[KEYSIZE * 3: KEYSIZE * 4] | |
b5 = b[KEYSIZE * 4: KEYSIZE * 5] | |
b6 = b[KEYSIZE * 5: KEYSIZE * 6] | |
normalized_distance = float( | |
hamming_distance(b1, b2) + | |
hamming_distance(b2, b3) + | |
hamming_distance(b3, b4) + | |
hamming_distance(b4, b5) + | |
hamming_distance(b5, b6) | |
) / (KEYSIZE * 5) | |
normalized_distances.append( | |
(KEYSIZE, normalized_distance) | |
) | |
normalized_distances = sorted(normalized_distances, key=lambda x: x[1]) | |
for KEYSIZE, _ in normalized_distances[:5]: | |
block_bytes = [[] for _ in range(KEYSIZE)] | |
for i, byte in enumerate(b): | |
block_bytes[i % KEYSIZE].append(byte) | |
keys = '' | |
try: | |
for bbytes in block_bytes: | |
keys += break_single_key_xor(bbytes) | |
key = bytearray(keys * len(b), "utf-8") | |
plaintext = bxor(b, key) | |
print("keysize:", KEYSIZE) | |
print("key is:", keys, "n") | |
s = bytes.decode(plaintext) | |
print(s) | |
except Exception: | |
continue |